Poor financial results and redundancies 

If your business has reported disappointing financials you might find it under scrutiny in the media.  It goes without saying that such negative news has the potential to damage your corporate reputation.  

As well as being of concern to investors, employees and other stakeholders, poor results can unsettle customers, leading them to look elsewhere for your products or services.

Having a carefully worded statement ready to issue should the press come knocking could make a big difference to public confidence in your business.

Words are incredibly powerful and when well-crafted can convey important messages that go beyond the black and white facts and figures.

Similarly, if you have to make redundancies there is a chance the media will be interested.  Local or national reporters might already have been approached by affected employees or might also have posted negative comments on any number of social media channels.

Specific protocols exist to help minimise negative perceptions about your company in such situations.  

We are experienced at working closely with company directors, accountants, lawyers, insolvency and turnaround advisers to craft and control the messages surrounding such news.  In short, our role is to mitigate the reputational damage caused by disappointing business performance.

I thought the problem would go away if I ignored it. It didn’t. I was reluctant to use you but can honestly say, your support and advice helped pull me back from the brink. Your patience, clarity of thought and advice were just what I needed to get me through the emotional roller coaster.

Your calm and steady approach was everything I needed when my business was being unfairly criticised in the national press. You stopped me from responding in haste, which I realise now, was the worst thing I could have done! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

One of my co-directors was found guilty of drink driving.  I was concerned that if it got out, we’d suffer from negative press and loss of business.  As it happened, there was no backlash but being able to contact you and have some pre-prepared statements and letters ready was reassuring.

My business was facing a torrent of unfair criticism on Facebook.  It stemmed from one negative post by an ex-employee and escalated like wild fire. Your level-headed, practical advice helped get the negative comments removed.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.