Your company will have stringent practices in place for handling the practical aspects of accidents and incidents in the workplace, along with the necessary reporting procedures.
Typically, such incidents fall into one of two categories: smaller-scale emergencies or accidents which are generally localised and feature minor damage to people or surroundings or major incidents which are usually developing situations putting people, their surroundings and the environment in serious danger with the potential to cause death and destruction.
Not surprisingly, the media is generally very quick to cover major incidents. Still, you shouldn’t overlook the potential for the less serious scenarios to also make it into the public eye (often by employees or their families contacting the media or posting comments on social media).
Whatever the scale of the incident - and even if the situation was the result of an unfortunate turn of events which were outside of your control - you will need to implement an effective communications plan to minimise the negative publicity that is likely to follow.
We can help you communicate quickly and thoughtfully with your various audiences, including your workforce, suppliers, stockists, customers and, of course, the press and media.