You don’t think twice about taking out insurance or having IT support in place for your business.

A subscription with Reputation Matters is similar, as it gives you peace of mind that when a situation hits you or your business, you will know exactly where to turn for advice, practical help and moral support.

Get it wrong and the knock-on effects could be devastating – financially, reputationally and emotionally.


We offer help and advice in two different ways.

If you’re facing a one-off crisis, you can get one-off support.

If your business tends to attract regular criticism on social media or in the press, a subscribtion with Reputation Matters will save you money and provide lots of additional benefits.

See below for details of both options. The key thing to remember is that whichever you choose, we are here to help you immediately.


Quite simply, you pay a monthly fee, which secures you immediate access to our rapid response advice line, 365 days of the year.

Every situation is different but these are the sorts of things we will support you with during your crisis:

  • Permanently manned crisis line/Priority telephone advice, 7 days a week
  • Historic and real-time media and online monitoring
  • Liaising with journalists on your behalf or supporting a company spokesperson
  • Preparation, drafting and distribution of press statements
  • Drafting communications for staff, clients, customers and suppliers

As a subsciber you will also receive:

  • Practical guides for handling a range of situations yourself
  • Access to specialist legal advice at discounted rates
  • Discounted rates for additional services provided by Reputation Matters, such as:

Media training and interview techniques to ensure you are cool under pressure and giving the right answers.

broadcast interview

Video and audio production of spokespeople making statements, and for use in wider marketing activity.

social media management

PR and social media activity to convey positive messages and help restore confidence in your brand after a crisis.

analysis and planning

Crisis audits, workshops and strategic planning to identify potential issues; develop robust plans and crisis manuals


Membership fees are tiered to make our service affordable to organisations of all sizes:

Up to £2 million turnover £2 - £5 million turnover £5 million + turnover
£350 per month £500 per month £900 per month


If you run a membership organisation and are looking for ways to enhance your package of member benefits or ways to increase your organisation’s income, contact us to see how you could benefit from promoting our service to your members.


If you’re keen to enhance the service you provide to your clients or are looking for ways to increase your fee income, contact us to see how you could benefit from promoting our service to your clients.


  1. Call us on 07881 772960 or email us.
  2. We’ll listen to your issue and ask a few questions to ensure we have a full picture.
  3. Using our 25+ years’ experience, we’ll tell you how many hours it will take us to handle your situation and what our fee will be.
  4. Once you approve this and make payment, we’ll go into action immediately – taking all the hassle and worry away from you.


If your business tends to attract regular criticism on social media or in the press, a retainer with Reputation Matters will save you money and provide lots of additional benefits.

It’ll also give you peace of mind as you’ll have someone on-hand 24/7 to give you advice, practical help and moral support whenever you need it.

Whichever option you choose, remember ... we are ready to help you NOW.


One of my co-directors was found guilty of drink driving.  I was concerned that if it got out, we’d suffer from negative press and loss of business.  As it happened, there was no backlash but being able to contact you and have some pre-prepared statements and letters ready was reassuring.

My business was facing a torrent of unfair criticism on Facebook.  It stemmed from one negative post by an ex-employee and escalated like wild fire. Your level-headed, practical advice helped get the negative comments removed.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Your calm and steady approach was everything I needed when my business was being unfairly criticised in the national press. You stopped me from responding in haste, which I realise now, was the worst thing I could have done! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I thought the problem would go away if I ignored it. It didn’t. I was reluctant to use you but can honestly say, your support and advice helped pull me back from the brink. Your patience, clarity of thought and advice were just what I needed to get me through the emotional roller coaster.